Sunday, September 09, 2012

Maribor Music Festival 2012

The Maribor Music Festival 2012 concerts so far have ranged from virtuosic Mendelssohn to electric guitar.

Australian Chamber Orchestra (ACO) performed in London on 1st September and received rave reviews. They performed the same concert in Maribor on Wednesday to an equally warm reception from the packed hall. On Thursday they played Bach and Mendelssohn with an incomparable virtuosity.

The ACO are in Maribor for the whole festival this year, playing sometimes alone and sometimes joined by the Slovenian Philharmonic.

Last night they were joined by comedian Gerry Connolly and Brian Ritchie (Violent Femmes rock band). In the second half Satu Vanska sang and it turns out she is not only a virtuoso violinist but has a lovely voice and good comic timing.
Satu plays violin

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