Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Orange, red, brown ...

Gladioli from the garden, orange as orange can be.
The very last of the orange, very orange, Gladioli are in a vase and Sydney is suddenly cold and windy. After an unseasonably warm May, the cold change is making us all shiver and reach for the winter woollies.

To celebrate the start of winter I am reknitting an old jumper, making the front a sea of squares. I wanted some brown wool to mix with the red, rust and orange but brown is out of fashion and hard to find. So I put various odd balls of green, orange and purple wool in a pot of dark brown dye. Out came grey, green, dark grey, dark purple and one ball of mottly brown, mottly because I didn't stir the pot often enough.

Orange, red, brown, pink....

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