Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Rather singers than cigars

Orchestras and choir at Notre Dame
Instead of listening to the 2014 Australian budget being read out by a treasurer who smokes big fat cigars,  I listened to the wonderful Berlioz Requiem Op 5, that was sung for Claudio Abbado in Notre Dame in Paris and broadcast by ABC classic FM.

It is such fantastic music produced by 220 musicians from two orchestras. Abbado was a nurturing and caring person and would have loved this tribute I am sure.

It is a pity the Australian Federal Treasurer Joe Hockey doesn't have even a little of those qualities.

Before the election he promised (cross your heart and hope to die) no cuts to health education or welfare. So what has he done? Cut health, education and especially welfare but also foreign aid, ABC, CSIRO. There are no cuts for the wealthiest, the carbon lobby, or defence. This tweet sums up the feelings of many. 

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