Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Conchita Wurst and Wiener Würstchen

Conchita Wurst (from Eurovision TV)
So, Conchita Wurst (Spanish/German translation = chick with a dick) has won the Eurovision contest. Apparently she grew up a gay in a small Austria town and survived by creating Conchita Wurst.

I have just seen the online version of the song and I agree with those who are saying it sounds like a new 007 James Bond theme.

Austria is home of the Vienna Philharmonic, renowned for it's misogynist hiring policies and some wag has created a cute cartoon. .
(Cartoon from von heute auf morgen website)
The subtitle says 'There are rumours that the Vienna Philharmonic has been infiltrated by females.'

The inspector in the picture is saying "Aha ... and what is this??"

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