Friday, September 18, 2009

Sharing space in Maribor

Maribor is not a tourist town (yet). There are few hotels and only two hostels so there is little competition and beds are expensive. A backpacker at the Maribor hostel who had been traveling in Europe for 5 months told me that this was the most expensive place she has stayed in yet (20 Euro/night). The room we shared was a 6 bed mixed dorm, a big light room with windows onto the street and high ceilings. It was actually an apartment bought by an English woman a couple of years ago at the time when all those property programs were on TV. She has converted it to a hostel and does a brisk trade.

I enjoy staying at backpackers. You can cook for yourself and you get to know people you would otherwise never run into. Most of the folk who shared my room were quiet, including the 4 Polish football fans who stayed one night, but I missed having my own space to retreat to while I was working so hard.

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