Friday, September 18, 2009

Painting from life

Non-artists would probably be surprised to learn that a couple of hours of life drawing leaves you drained and weary. It is tiring because of the concentration required.

Painting people from life is very much like life drawing and after 5 days of drawing musicians while they played, I was exhausted. So after Wednesday I changed my schedule a bit. I attended the rehearsals but tried not to push the envelope so much.

I had intended going on to Venice to see the Art Biennale after the Maribor Festival but you have to have lots of energy for Venice so I changed my plans and booked a ticket straight back to Hamburg instead. It was the right decision as by the end of the Festival I was ready for a week of doing nothing at all.

All up I produced about 50 sketches/paintings, so it was a productive time despite the exhaustion.

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