Wednesday, August 10, 2016

Snow but no ice cream

Converging highways in Bulls
Travelling north from Wellington you drive past the several coastal towns of the Kapiti Coast, then along flat (or comparatively flat) ultra-green pastures until you reach Sanson and Bulls. By then it is time for lunch and the Mother Goose cafe on the corner of converging highways in Bulls does a good lunch in pleasant surroundings.

Then on through Hunterville where I thought I would have an ice cream for old times sake (the ice cream in the photo on my profile was from Hunterville) but time thwarted my desire as the ice cream shop has closed. Closed, shut, gone. (Insert sad face here).

Front page, Dominion Post
I drove on to Taihape wondering how low the recent snow might be. Newspapers and TV are full of reports of the weekend snow storms which caused hundreds of power poles to collapse.

Luckily for me the storm was a little north of Taihape which has no lying snow, though it covers neighbouring hills, and still has power.

It would be very cold without heating in this weather and I feel very sorry for the folks affected.

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