Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Erudite women in music and science

Elisabeth Leonskaja (photo by Julia Wesely)
I saw Elisabeth Leonskaja play Mozart with the ACO last week and have been searching for words to describe the experience. Now I discover Murray Black has found the perfect words.  Black wrote in The Australian that although Leonskaja's reputation as a doyenne of the Russian old school makes her sound quite intimidating her 'playing ­actually radiated appealing ­geniality in equal measure with formidable dignity and gravitas.' I couldn't agree more. One felt taken by the hand, wrapped in a warm blanket while at the same time being aware that a metronome couldn't have kept better time than her remarkable hands.

Leonskaja is softly spoken but very musically erudite. Listen to her radio interview  (until 25 Sept) to hear her speak.

Alison Mercer
She reminds me of another very erudite but softly spoken person who was interviewed on Southern TV in NZ. My sister Alison Mercer works with bees and here she explains about the Verroa mite that is plaguing the bee populations of the world.

In a so-called post-fact world it is refreshing to hear from people who really know what they are talking about without being immersed in the showy blather of the PR industry.

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