Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Garrick Ohlsson in Sydney

Garrick Ohlsson plays Mussorgsky
As I write this I am listening to Garrick Ohlsson playing Mussorgsky's Pictures at an Exhibition on the radio. I saw the concert on Monday, recorded by ABC Classic FM, and now hearing it on the radio I am aware that it sounds different without the visual effects. It is simply a different experience. Listening to non-live music is great, but it always makes me want to hear the actual live performance. Hearing a concert after seeing it live though is just a pleasure as you notice more about the audio experience that you might have missed on the evening.

Pictures at an Exhibition is a piece often played as a showpiece by virtuoso pianists as it is so difficult, not that you would have realised  that by watching Ohlsson's performance on Monday as he made it look easy.

As he finished however, one of my seat neighbours said to his companion, 'How does he do it?'

We are so lucky we live in age where technology makes it possible for performers to fly to unlikely places to give concerts and also makes it possible for us to hear them perform again and again with a press of a button.

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