Sunday, August 18, 2013

Azaleas not music

My predecessors in this house must have had a particular liking for azaleas as there are a lot of them in my garden, each one different and although I have lived here for some time  this is the first time I have seen them flower.

In fact this is the first time in five years that I have not been on my way to the Maribor Music Festival (Slovenia) in August. I am sorry to miss Maribor and the music this year but I am very pleased to be at home this August and able to see the azaleas bloom.

There are also irises, originally from previous gardens, given to friends during my nomadic years then transplanted again into this garden.

Spring flowers don't last long in Sydney because the weather has a tendency to change from winter to summer in a single day. You have to be here in August!

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