Sunday, June 30, 2013

Festival of the Vagina in Sydney

The 101 Vagina Exhibition was different to any other I have attended. People stood and gazed at the photos and read the stories, moving slowly from one to the next, totally absorbed.
(The book of photos and stories is is available online at )

Reading the messages
I was fascinated to watch the crowd but not surprised at their concentration as the stories are all very readable. They are all so different-   honest, often poignant, sometimes funny, or sassy.


Dripping brollies were left at at the entrance.
The Festival of the Vagina yesterday attracted a big crowd despite the pouring rain.

It had had some free publicity on Friday, featuring on the front of the MX paper. The report said two people had complained to the police and a curtain had to be hung over the windows. (Odd how no one listens when millions of people march and demand the government not go to war in Irak, but when two people complain about photos they are taken seriously.)
Watching the show

There were poetry readings, singing, a strip-tease show and a wandering nun to whom you could confess your sins.

The crowd was a happy one and out for fun.

Vagina photo booth (left)

One of the most popular activities seemed to be having your photograph taken in the 'vagina' photo booth (left).

The 'make your own 'vagina muffin' was popular too, as was the craft corner.  People pasted their creations on the wall when they were finished or put them on the display shelf.
Vagina art
Craft corner

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