Friday, March 22, 2013

Stuart singing at King Street Theatre

My painting of tenor Stuart Skelton was not one of the forty (of 800) paintings chosen to be hung in the Archibald exhibition. Instead Stuart is now singing from the wall of the revamped and exciting King Street theatre in Sydney's Newtown.
The portrait looks as if it was painted especially for that wall ... it matches the decor so well!


  1. I think Stuart looks marvellous on this wall. I saw an interview with someone involved with the selection panel - he said, I think, that each painting has 20 seconds to impress or otherwise!

  2. Yes and probably the panel are chatting and only attend when a huge portrait by someone they recognise gets carried past, with the result that the portraits that are hung always seem to look like the ones that were hung the year before!
    Still, the public likes the show ... but it would probably continue even if they didn't since it is funded by the artists themselves with their $50 entry fees.
