Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Climate change

I always seem to be too busy to go to the beach, but tonight was so balmy I took the opportunity to take a beach walk. There was a huge moon coming up over the bay ... how enormous it looked as it rose from the hills.
On the bench overlooking the beach a woman sat, taking photos of the moon just as I was doing.
"Beautiful isn't it?"
"Just lovely."
"It's been so hot today it is nice to visit the beach in the cool of the evening."
"Yes, it is unseasonably hot."

"It is so hot here, but I just saw on the news before I came out that England is having snow and ice!" the bench sitter said,"and it is the end of March!"
"Well, that's climate change for you, I replied, "up and down like a yo yo."
The look on the face of the bench sitter changed and hardened.
"Oh I don't believe in climate change," she said moving her body into a less accommodating position.
So we had a bit of a discussion about the climate and then I wandered off down to the water feeling a bit dispirited despite the gorgeous moon and the luke-warm waves lapping at my feet.

moonlit beach at 7pm

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