Wednesday, January 02, 2013

Sketching reveals one's thoughts

The New Year has arrived with fuss and fireworks. A happy 2013 to you!

During my New Year tidy-up I found this sketch of an art school tutor I drew in Dunedin in 2008. I must have thought that this fellow was a bit ageist to produce a drawing such as this ... or was it just the bit of emerging gray in his hair that conjured up this image? I was a mature age student in Dunedin and was not alone. But in Hamburg I was the only mature age student in the class and the staff were a bit flummoxed to have me there.

Four faces over time


  1. Mr Morley no less. I found him a stimulating tutor and he had a gift for addressing & remembering people by their name which was often sadly lacking in my experience!

  2. Yes I found all the staff in Dunedin exceptional. Maybe that was why they attracted such a wide variety of students. Go Dunedin!
