Thursday, September 06, 2012

Maribor, Cultural City 2012

Maribor 2012
The only outward sign that Maribor is the 2012 European City of Culture are a series of large balloons around the city. This may be the only outward sign but a lot of the city has been rejuvenated in the lead up to 2012. Another large square has been created ... finished this year at last. There is a music event taking place there as I write - the music is floating over the city, quite unusual haunting music.
Newly finished city square.
Behind the spot where the photo was taken is a very large tented podium with loud speakers etc.
All of the inner city is closed to traffic and it has a wonderful effect. People walk or ride bikes and the atmosphere is relaxed and friendly. When will Australia take a leaf out of the European book? Perhaps Sydney, Melbourne (or Umina!) could apply to be the next City of Culture?

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