Sunday, September 11, 2011

An unexpected wedding

I attended a wedding today, though I don't know whose.
I had sought refuge from the heatwave that has enveloped the region and was sitting quietly drawing the stained glass windows in Maribor Cathedral when I noticed a woman in a white hat sitting with several gentlemen in the front row.
Then in strode a a priest in full regalia and a young man with a music score in his hand ran up the stairs at the back. Soon the organ started playing, the doors opened and in streamed the wedding guests followed by two little girls in pink leading a bride on the arm of her father. As they walked up the isle accompanied by thunderous music I wondered why I was suddenly fighting tears. What is it  that makes one emotional at these moments? Thoughts about the shortnes of life? About the young couples chances of enduring happiness?
As they all signed the register the organist thundered out the bridal march.
'Wait,' I thought 'this sounds like Wagner's music.'
And it was. The bridal march comes from the opera Lohengrin and the organist kept playing Lohengrin music as the register was signed and the priest and happy couple and their parents all toasted eachother with glasses of white wine (this is a wine growing region after all). This is when I should have cried, but I didn't, I just sat there thinking how lucky I was to be there to enjoy the music.
Then the music stopped, the guests left and so did the wedding party.
Outside a band played and the couple danced together to applause from the guests.
I left them lining up in the sun to have a group photo taken.

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