Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Travelling south

The journey between Hamburg and Graz takes over 13 hours so it helps to have pleasant company. I had a delightful child drawing pictures opposite me. 
We were somewhere between Wurzburg and Nurnberg when the train slowed then stopped at a village siding. Over the intercom came the voice of the conductor.
"As you can see we have stopped", she said. ”I will let you know what is happening as soon as I know.”
A few minutes later she told us there had been fire and a power failure and all trains had stopped.
“I have asked the driver to unlock the doors so you could get out and have a smoke. I'll whistle when you have to get back on and in the meantime I will keep you informed.”
A lot of people still smoke in Germany and they all climbed out to light up or have a bit of a stretch.
About an hour later we were whistled back onto the train and set off back to Wurzburg where we took an alternate route to Nurnberg then caught another train to Munich. I was too late to catch the last train to Graz but a friendly woman at the Rail Service Point booked me into a hotel nearby.
“Have a good sleep” she said, “and don't forget you get a free breakfast in the morning. Your train to Graz will leave at 10.07 from Platform 13.”
As I was leaving her boss appeared. He gave her a big hug and said "Thank you so much for working far beyond the call of duty” then slipped into the seat she vacated.
“I've worked over ten hours” she told him looking pleased at his praise.
What a worker, I thought, pleasant and unflappable in the face of queues of tired passengers even after 10 hours work. No wonder her boss treasures her.

The Hotel she had chosen was the Grafik Elephant a few steps from the station. It's bright painted facade stood out among brick and concrete neighbours. The room was small but welcoming and the bed comfortable.  I slept as soon as my head hit the pillow.

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