Friday, March 04, 2011

Good fairies

Today the Painting and Technologies class started at the National Art School but after waiting so long to get into this class I discover after the first lesson that I have mixed feelings about it.

Partly it has to do with the environment.  The fellow behind me in the class today slapped turps over his paper as if his lungs (and ours) are impervious to harm but I know too many painters who have died of solvent poisoning to be relaxed painting in a room full of fumes.

Partly it has to do with my learning expectations. I discover that I know more about the subject than I realised so it less interesting than I expected.  I can see the course will help me fills the gaps in my oil/acrylic knowledge but my overwhelming feeling tonight is that I have been undervaluing my years of painting practise.

How lucky I am an (accidental) ceramics major. Ceramics is something I really knew nothing about so the learning experience has been exciting and rewarding.

I had my eye on the wrong ball, but luckily my good fairies have been looking after me regardless.

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