Tuesday, December 07, 2010

'My' Dunedin

Dunedin is one of my favorite places. The views are stunning. This is Dunedin from the Otago Penninsula.
Dunedin's building have integrity. Most have been little changed since they were built, whenever that may have been. This one is in the city center.
The Robbie Burns statue opposite the town hall is a perfect viewing platform for seagulls.
The teeth sculpture at the mouth of the Otago Penninsula is a new addition since I was here a year ago.
When the cloud lifts, this is the view. The teeth stand to the right.
The only blot on the landscape is the new stadium a building that divided the city when it was approved in a clock and dagger manner. Lets hope it succeeds now it is being built because the citizens have become so indebted that they are having to close library services and such like in order to support the stadium. It is being built on reclaimed land, so it might just disappear under the waves as the seas rise.
Goodbye Dunedin. I look forward to seeing you again before too long.

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