Friday, September 03, 2010

The Irish and the Attic

There is a big football game on in Maribor tomorrow night. The hostel I was in was booked out for the 2nd/3rd and the owner (a native Liverpudlian who has managed to live here for 3 years without learning the language) asked me to move out for the two nights. She appeared with a towel-wrapped head yesterday when I handed back the key and was apologetic about keeping me waiting. She had just peroxided her hair. In the meantime the town is filling with football fans. I can't understand their lingo but their shirts are bright green. Even the Irish couldn't get greener shirts.

Oh, what's that? It is the Irish? Right, that would explain not understanding the lingo.

My new abode is a cute little attic room in the Uni Hotel on the town square. It is a real pleasure having a space (and bathroom) for myself instead of sharing with ten others and I have decide to stay here for the duration.

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