Saturday, July 31, 2010

Music to lull you to sleep

I have 'discovered' Maria Callas and in such a strange way.

For months the best way to put bub to sleep was to sit her on my lap in front of the computer watching Rene Fleming sing "D'amore al dolce impero". She would watch the video (which shows just an album cover) and nod off

Then one day last week she suddenly became bored. I tried playing her Waltroud Meyer singing Liebestod but the poor little mite started to cry! Whether it was the music or the gory production I don't know, but I quickly changed back to "D'amore al dolce impero", this time the Callas version. The changing photos in the video were enough to hold bub's attention until she slept.

I never really liked Maria Callas before but I love this video:

And just for the record ... here is Rene Fleming's version which I just about know by heart by now.

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