Wednesday, September 23, 2009


After a week going slow in Hamburg I have recovered from the rigours of drawing/hosteling/traveling. I am looking after Cedrik while his family are away.
Cedrik is an old dog, a clever dog and also a stubborn dog. He plays tricks on his carers. He limped dreadfully for a time a few years ago but it turned out that he was not hurt, it was just a trick to get attention. He comes and lies at your foot, wherever you are. He would lie on your foot if you kept still long enough.

Cedrik has to take a fitness walk twice a day. He and I walk down the drive and out the gate at a great pace, then a few steps along the street on the way to the woods he stops. He pants and looks mournful and at least 90 years old. If you don't know his tricks you would be tempted to take pity on Cedrik and take him home but instead it is a battle of wills to get along the street and into the woods. I am as stubborn as he is, so we always get there and once there he is happy and sniffs his way along the rest of the walk.

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