Saturday, September 05, 2009

Austria, then Slovenia

Traveling south from Salzburg the train is only about 3 carriages long so it travels quite fast up and up over the alps.
Past houses with balcony boxes full of geraniums and characteristic overhanging eves and past lots sawmills and of piles of logs.
At one station there is a house that has been painted as if for an art school exercise, with the picture becoming ever more digitalised. I thought of my art school colleagues and smiled.
Eventually the train stops at a small station, a couple more carriages attached and then it takes off in the reverse direction whizzing downhill on the way to Slovenia. At the Slovenian border the train sits for twenty minutes. It bumps and jolts (perhaps they change the engines?) before taking off at a much more sedate pace, past countryside which is lush and green. Slovenia.

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