Thursday, July 23, 2009

The new Elbphilharmonie

The Speicherstadt on the Elbe River in Hamburg is the part of the city where traders used to store their wares.
The Speicherstadt is now called the Hafenstadt and still has traders but it is mostly office building and apartments.
This is where the new 'Elbphilharmonie' is being built. There is a little square building with information about the Elbphilharmonie near the building site.
You expect expect to find lots of posters and information inside, but instead when you go in you find there is just a staircase (and someone minding it). So up the staircase you go.

As you put your head through the opening you suddenly realise what it is all about. There surrounding you is the seating layout of the new building, complete with little figures. You suddenly feel as if you are in the new Elbphilharmonie.

Then you see a building worker outside the window ... life sized.

1 comment:

  1. Rosenman2:52 am

    The building in construction is by the Swiss duo ofarchitects, Herzog, De Meuron, autHors of some of the most imaginative buildings produced.
    I am looking forward to see this building completed. It certainly will not be humdrum.
