Friday, June 09, 2006


Hamburg is such a lovely city. All the trees have their fresh green early summer leaves. It was really cold when I arrived but now the weather has turned and the sun is shining.

I went to Figaro last night. Miriam, the soprano I am painting, sang the Countess role and was very good. Simone Young conducted. Simone Young is obviously loved here as she got the biggest ovation and all around me I heard people commenting on her - always favourably. Sydneys loss is Hamburgs gain. (For those who dont know, Simone is an Australian, a wonderful conductor. She was with the Sydney opera but her contract was not renewed. Many people including me resigned their membership in protest.)

(I cant find the key on this computer for apostrophes!)

Tonight I have my first appointment to sketch Miriam as she works on her new role.

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